For a limited time purchase the perfect combo and SAVE $16!!
This is the perfect pair to help with your golf gains; the Rypstick Speed Training Tool and the Ryp Golf Golf Speed Radar! This combo is usually worth $574 but your today for just $558!
The all new Rypstick™ is the leading Speed Training Tool in golf because of its convenience (1 stick vs. 3), versatility (8 weight combinations), and custom training workouts. Since this product was launched in December it has been chosen by 50+ PGA Tour Players, 150+ Top Teachers, and over half of the top World Long Drive Athletes. Now it's available right here in New Zealand!
Guide to your Rypstick selection.
White Rypstick.
45 inch shaft. Black is suitable for most adult golfers looking to improve their club head swing speed.
Blue Rypstick.44 inch shaft. Blue is suitable for any golfer with a drive less than 180m.
Green Rypstick.41 inch shaft. Green is suitable for 11 - 16 year old golfers.
Yellow Rypstick.
38 inch shaft. Yellow is ideal for 7 - 11 year old golfers.
Introducing the latest technology for measuring club head speed. Now you can track your progress when training with your RypStick.
The Ryp Golf Radar is designed to measure swing speed WITHOUT a ball, something both Trackman and Foresight cannot do. This instant feedback is the KEY to motivating you during your training.
Unlike any other speed radar on the market, this one has optional voice feedback!
When you make a swing it instantly tells you how fast you were through a speaker in the device. To make tracking your progress even easier, this radar device stores the speed of the last 10 swings you made.
Measure your gains with Golf Speed and the Ryp Golf Radar, helping you to reach your hidden potential!
Please watch the video (on the 'How to use' page) to see how to best use the Ryp Golf Radar. In testing, we have found the RypRadar to be correlated within 99% of the PRGR when properly set up.
For the last 3 years, our team has been researching overspeed/overload training and the results are incredible. Within 2 months of training with the Rypstick the average distance gain is 15-25 yards. To learn more about what gains you should expect watch the video by Golf Science Lab on our home page. Results may vary everyone will benefit.
After your purchase, you will receive more information about which training workout to use.
3 Different Lengths Available:
45" White, In Stock. Ships Today!
44" Blue, In Stock. Ships Today!
41" Green, In Stock. Ships Today!
38" Yellow, Expected Soon, Ships in 4-5 days.You should order the length of your current driver unless your driver distance is less than 200 yards and you play a 45" driver. In which case, order blue.
With 0 Weights in Rypstick - 270 g
With 1 Weight in Rypstick - 300 g
With 2 Weights in Rypstick - 330 g
With 3 Weights in Rypstick - 360 g
With 3 Weights + Counterweight - 420 g* Shorter Rypsticks have slightly less weight, but progressively less swing weight as a result of shorter length, which makes them feel considerably lighter.